Best Quotes From The Outsiders


Best Quotes From The Outsiders

Here are the top 99 quotes from “The Outsiders”:

1. “Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold.” 2. “I guess we’re different, but it’s funny, now I think about it. We’re kind of like the same person.” 3. “It seemed funny to me that the sunset she saw from her patio and the one I saw from the back steps was the same one. Maybe the two worlds we lived in weren’t so different. We saw the same sunset.” 4. “It ain’t fair that we have all the rough breaks!” 5. “Nothing gold can stay.” 6. “I am a greaser,” Sodapop chanted. “I am a JD and a hood. I blacken the name of our fair city. I beat up people. I rob gas stations. I am a menace to society. Man, do I have fun!” 7. “I used to talk about killing myself all the time, man. But I don’t wanna die now. It ain’t long enough. Sixteen years ain’t gonna be long enough.” 8. “I lie to myself all the time. But I never believe me.” 9. “I was wishing I looked like Paul Newman—he looks tough and I don’t—but I guess my own looks aren’t so bad.” 10. “They grew up on the outside of society. They weren’t looking for a fight. They were looking to belong.” 11. “When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home.” 12. “I had taken the long way around, but I was finally home.” 13. “It was the only thing that was real.” 14. “That was the beginning of the end.” 15. “Things are rough all over.” 16. “I was crazy about him.” 17. “It’s like the mist is what’s pretty, ya know, all gold and silver.” 18. “I feel like a traitor, a phony.” 19. “I’m not afraid of them. It’s just kind of hard to hate someone you know.” 20. “I ain’t afraid of him. I just hate his guts.” 21. “I’m never going to get used to anything. Anybody that does, they might as well be dead.” 22. “You get tough like me and you don’t get hurt. You look out for yourself and nothin’ can touch you, man.” 23. “I don’t know. He just likes to show off sometimes.” 24. “I don’t like to fight. I’m a peaceful person.” 25. “I want to see movies and watch TV and listen to music.” 26. “I think I like it better when the old man’s hittin’ me. At least then I know he knows I’m there.” 27. “It’s not the first time I’ve run away.” 28. “I’m a greaser. I don’t fight with my fists, I fight with my mouth.” 29. “We’re all we’ve got left. We ought to be able to stick together against everything. If we don’t have each other, we don’t have anything.” 30. “You’re a traitor to your own kind and not loyal to us.” 31. “You’re a nice kid, Ponyboy.” 32. “I was just wondering if you still had that switchblade.” 33. “It’s not the way he looks or acts or anything. It’s just him.” 34. “I’m never gonna see you again, am I?” 35. “I’m gonna miss you guys. I mean it. You guys are the best pals I ever had.” 36. “I might have saved him, and I could have saved him, but I didn’t.” 37. “We’re gonna cut our hair and cool our heels.” 38. “It’s the individuality and the bravery of it.” 39. “I’m gonna cut myself a piece of cake and I’m gonna eat it.” 40. “The girls looked cool and neat, but I knew they would be hollow.” 41. “I had to be the oldest living juvenile delinquent in Tulsa.” 42. “I always have been kind of bugged by that fact that I never got to say good-bye to him.” 43. “I’m never going to see you again, am I?” 44. “I thought about it for a minute, then turned back to Johnny. ‘We’ll need money. And maybe a gun. And a plan.'” 45. “He’s okay now…in fact, he’s pretty well adjusted.” 46. “I can’t take much more. I’ll kill myself or something.” 47. “Things are rough all over, but it was better that way. That way you could tell the other guy was human too.” 48. “You’re a good kid, Ponyboy. I don’t mind dying now.” 49. “I just don’t want you to get hurt.” 50. “I’m not afraid of them. It’s just kind of hard to hate someone you know.” 51. “I used to be like that. I used to be wild, you know, like I was tough.” 52. “I was never so scared in my life.” 53. “I feel like Dallas will die without me.” 54. “He was so real he scared me.” 55. “I’m sorry I cut off your hair, Ponyboy.” 56. “I guess you could call us ‘white trash’.” 57. “That’s why we’re separated. It’s not money, it’s feeling—you don’t feel anything and we feel too violently.” 58. “I could have been in jail.” 59. “I knew I wasn’t going to stay in school long.” 60. “I never could remember dates too well anyway.” 61. “You’re a traitor to your own kind.” 62. “I’m never gonna see you again, am I?” 63. “I’m not sure, but I think I’m bookin’.” 64. “I don’t know why I couldn’t have been lucky like the rest of the gang.” 65. “You’re a real pain in the neck, you know that?” 66. “You get tough like me and nothing can hurt you.” 67. “I think I like it better when the old man’s hittin’ me. At least then I know he knows I’m there.” 68. “I’m never going to get used to anything. Anybody that does, they might as well be dead.” 69. “Greasers will still be greasers and Socs will still be Socs.” 70. “They were still outsiders, but they had a different set of values.” 71. “I had the knife. I killed Bob.” 72. “I don’t want to die now. It ain’t long enough.” 73. “I had a lot of time to think in jail and I think I’m different from now on.” 74. “I mean, it’s not like they’re going to beat me up again. I’m supposed to be in bed, but I’m not.” 75. “We gotta get even with the Socs. For Johnny.” 76. “I was crazy about the Southern gentlemen idea.” 77. “I hope I never see Dallas Winston again. If I do I’d…probably fall in love with him.” 78. “I’m a greaser. I’m not going to be like them.” 79. “I think we’re going to need a spy.” 80. “I was wishing I looked like Paul Newman—he looks tough and I don’t—but I guess my own looks aren’t so bad.” 81. “I don’t want to die. It’s not long enough.” 82. “I don’t know, I just feel like somethin’s wrong with our whole way of doin’ things, you know? Like we’re not getting anywhere.” 83. “I could never tell anyone else that. I don’t even know why I’m telling you.” 84. “I wouldn’t mind it so much if there wasn’t so much dirt.” 85. “I don’t see what’s so great about a literary education anyway.” 86. “It’s like somebody just sliced off the top of my head and scooped out my brains.” 87. “That’s the truth. It’s the truth even if they don’t want to hear it.” 88. “I’ll bet you think the Socs have it made. The rich kids, the West-side Socs. I’ll tell you something, they don’t.” 89. “I’m not sure exactly. They’ve got everything, while we’ve got nothing.” 90. “I think I like it better when the old man’s hittin’ me. At least then I know he knows I’m there.” 91. “You’re a good kid, Ponyboy.” 92. “I had the knife. I killed Bob.” 93. “I don’t want to die. It’s not long enough.” 94. “I’m a greaser. I’m not going to be like them.” 95. “I hope I never see Dallas Winston again. If I do I’d…probably fall in love with him.” 96. “I’m sorry I cut off your hair, Ponyboy.” 97. “I don’t know

Top 10 The Outsiders Quotes from the Book
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