Top 99 Irish Sayings For Good Luck


Top 99 Irish Sayings For Good Luck

Irish culture is rich with sayings and proverbs that are meant to bring good luck and fortune to those who hear them. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the top 99 Irish sayings for good luck. Whether you’re looking for a way to wish someone well or hoping to bring some good fortune into your own life, these sayings are sure to inspire.

  1. May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light
  2. May the road rise up to meet you
  3. May the wind be always at your back
  4. May the sun shine warm upon your face
  5. May the rains fall softly upon your fields
  6. May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow
  7. May your troubles be less and your blessings be more
  8. May the luck of the Irish be with you
  9. May you always have a clean shirt, a clear conscience, and enough coins in your pocket to buy a pint
  10. May your glass be ever full, may the roof over your head be always strong, and may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you’re dead
  11. May you have the hindsight to know where you’ve been, the foresight to know where you’re going, and the insight to know when you’re going too far
  12. May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live
  13. May you never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten
  14. May the best day of your past be the worst day of your future
  15. May the face of every good news and the back of every bad news be towards us
  16. May your neighbors respect you, trouble neglect you, the angels protect you, and heaven accept you
  17. May you have the strength of eagles’ wings, the faith and courage to fly to new heights, and the wisdom of the universe to carry you there
  18. May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings, slow to make enemies, quick to make friends, but rich or poor, quick or slow, may you know nothing but happiness from this day forward
  19. May the rocks in your field turn to gold
  20. May the lilt of Irish laughter lighten every load
  21. May your thoughts be as glad as the shamrocks, may your heart be as light as a song, may each day bring you bright, happy hours that stay with you all the year long
  22. May your troubles be less and your blessings be more and nothing but happiness come through your door
  23. May your heart be warm and happy with the lilt of Irish laughter every day in every way
  24. May you have a world of wishes at your command, God and his angels close at hand, friends and family their love to impart, and Irish blessings deep in your heart
  25. May the joys of today be those of tomorrow
  26. May your joys be as bright as the morning, your years of happiness as numerous as the stars in the heavens, and your troubles but shadows that fade in the sunlight of love
  27. May you always have love to share, health to spare, and friends that care
  28. May the luck of the Irish be with you wherever you go and your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow
  29. May the sun shine all day long, everything go right, and nothing wrong
  30. May those who love us, love us; and for those who don’t love us, may God turn their hearts; and if he doesn’t turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles so we’ll know them by their limping
  31. May you have the faith and courage to live each day to the fullest, to follow your dreams wherever they may lead, and to be a shining light to those around you
  32. May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, and the rains fall soft upon your fields
  33. May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light, may good luck pursue you each morning and night
  34. May you have the hindsight to know where you’ve been, the foresight to know where you’re going, and the insight to know when you’re going too far
  35. May the blessings of each day be the blessings you need most
  36. May the roof above us never fall in, and may we friends beneath it never fall out
  37. May you have love that never ends, lots of money, and lots of friends; health be yours, whatever you do, and may God send many blessings to you
  38. May you have the strength of eagles’ wings, the faith and courage to fly to new heights, and the wisdom of the universe to carry you there
  39. May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, and may the sun shine warm upon your face
  40. May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow, and may trouble avoid you wherever you go
  41. May you always find yourself in good health and good spirits, with a roof over your head and food on your table, and a heart full of love for all those around you
  42. May you be blessed with the strength to face every challenge, the wisdom to make the right decisions, and the courage to follow your heart wherever it may lead
  43. May your heart be filled with gladness, your home be filled with joy, and your days be filled with laughter and love
  44. May your days be filled with sunshine and your nights be filled with stars
  45. May you never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten
  46. May your troubles be less and your blessings be more, and may nothing but happiness come through your door
  47. May the luck of the Irish be with you always, and may your heart be filled with love and joy
  48. May you have the strength to face every challenge, the courage to follow your dreams, and the wisdom to make the right decisions
  49. May your heart be happy, your mind be bright, and your spirit be strong
  50. May you always have a reason to smile, a song in your heart, and a friend by your side
  51. May you be blessed with good health, good luck, and happiness all the days of your life
  52. May you be surrounded by love, guided by wisdom, and blessed with good fortune
  53. May your heart be filled with love, your soul be filled with peace, and your life be filled with joy
  54. May you have the courage to chase your dreams, the wisdom to make the right choices, and the strength to overcome any obstacle
  55. May your days be filled with love, laughter, and good fortune
  56. May your life be filled with happiness, your heart be filled with love, and your soul be filled with peace
  57. May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, and may the sun shine warm upon your face
  58. May your heart be filled with hope, your mind be filled with positivity, and your soul be filled with peace
  59. May your days be filled with sunshine, your heart be filled with love, and your soul be filled with joy
  60. May you always have a reason to smile, a friend to laugh with, and a heart full of love
  61. May your life be filled with good luck, good health, and happiness
  62. May you be blessed with joy, peace, and love all the days of your life
  63. May the sun shine brightly on your path and the wind be always at your back
  64. May your heart be filled with love, your days be filled with happiness, and your soul be filled with peace
  65. May your life be filled with love, laughter, and good fortune
  66. May your heart be filled with hope, your mind be filled with positivity, and your soul be filled with peace
  67. May you always have a reason to smile, a friend to laugh with, and a heart full of love
  68. May your life be filled with good luck, good health, and happiness
  69. May you be blessed with joy, peace, and love all the days of your life
  70. May the sun shine brightly on your path and the wind be always at your back
  71. May your heart be filled
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