Top 99 Quotes About God Being In Control


Top 99 Quotes About God Being In Control

When it comes to quotes about God being in control, there are countless inspiring and uplifting messages to choose from. Here are 99 of the best quotes that remind us of God’s power, love, and guidance:

On God’s Sovereignty

  1. “God’s plan is always the best. Sometimes the process is painful and hard. But don’t forget that when God is silent, He’s doing something for you.” – Unknown
  2. “God is in control, and therefore in EVERYTHING I can give thanks – not because of the situation but because of the One who directs and rules over it.” – Kay Arthur
  3. “God is in control, and He has a plan – even if we can’t see it.” – Unknown
  4. “God is always in control, even when we doubt His presence or His purpose.” – Charles Stanley
  5. “God is never surprised by our circumstances.” – Unknown
  6. “God’s sovereignty is not limited by our circumstances.” – Tony Evans
  7. “God’s sovereignty is the pillow upon which the Christian rests his head at night, giving perfect peace.” – Charles Spurgeon
  8. “God is never late, and He is always on time.” – Unknown
  9. “God’s sovereignty means that He is in control of everything – even the things that seem out of control.” – Jerry Bridges
  10. “Nothing can thwart God’s purposes or plans.” – A.W. Tozer
  11. “God’s sovereignty is not a barrier to prayer; it is the basis for prayer.” – Sinclair Ferguson
  12. “God is more interested in our character than our comfort.” – Unknown
  13. “God’s sovereignty is not a reason to be complacent, but a motivation to be faithful.” – John Piper
  14. “God is too wise to be mistaken, too good to be unkind, and too powerful to be thwarted.” – Elisabeth Elliot
  15. “God’s sovereignty means that nothing happens apart from His permission or direction.” – R.C. Sproul
  16. “God is never confused, anxious, or uncertain about the future.” – Unknown
  17. “God’s sovereignty means that He is able to bring good out of even the worst situations.” – Romans 8:28
  18. “God’s sovereignty means that He is able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.” – Jude 1:24
  19. “God’s sovereignty means that He is able to accomplish His purposes in spite of our failures, weaknesses, and limitations.” – Unknown
  20. “God’s sovereignty is a comfort to those who trust Him, and a terror to those who oppose Him.” – Unknown
  21. “God’s sovereignty means that He is able to turn our trials into triumphs, our sorrows into joys, and our defeats into victories.” – Unknown

On Trusting God’s Plan

  1. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” – Proverbs 3:5-6
  2. “Life is a journey, and God is the compass.” – Unknown
  3. “When God’s plans don’t make sense, trust His heart.” – Unknown
  4. “Faith is not knowing what the future holds, but knowing who holds the future.” – Unknown
  5. “The will of God will never take you where the grace of God cannot keep you.” – Unknown
  6. “God’s plan for your life is better than anything you can imagine.” – Unknown
  7. “God’s plan for your life is not an itinerary, but an attitude.” – Unknown
  8. “God’s plan for your life is not a recipe, but a relationship.” – Unknown
  9. “God’s plan for your life is not a puzzle, but a portrait.” – Unknown
  10. “God’s plan for your life is not a burden, but a blessing.” – Unknown
  11. “God’s plan for your life is not a destination, but a journey.” – Unknown
  12. “God’s plan for your life is not a task, but a trust.” – Unknown
  13. “God’s plan for your life is not a trial, but a triumph.” – Unknown
  14. “God’s plan for your life is not a duty, but a delight.” – Unknown
  15. “God’s plan for your life is not a prison, but a paradise.” – Unknown
  16. “God’s plan for your life is not a mistake, but a masterpiece.” – Unknown
  17. “God’s plan for your life is not a coincidence, but a calling.” – Unknown
  18. “God’s plan for your life is not a problem, but a promise.” – Unknown
  19. “God’s plan for your life is not a question, but an answer.” – Unknown
  20. “God’s plan for your life is not a challenge, but an opportunity.” – Unknown

On Letting Go of Control

  1. “Let go and let God.” – Unknown
  2. “Surrender your will to God’s will, and you’ll find peace beyond understanding.” – Unknown
  3. “The more you try to control your life, the more out of control it becomes.” – Unknown
  4. “God is the pilot; you are the co-pilot. Let Him take the controls.” – Unknown
  5. “Stop trying to play God, and start trusting God.” – Unknown
  6. “Trying to control everything is a sure way to lose control.” – Unknown
  7. “The tighter you hold on, the more you’ll lose your grip.” – Unknown
  8. “God’s way is better than your way. Let Him lead you.” – Unknown
  9. “The less you hold on to, the more room you give God to work.” – Unknown
  10. “Control is an illusion. Trust is reality.” – Unknown
  11. “The more you let go, the more you’ll be held.” – Unknown
  12. “Give up control, and gain freedom.” – Unknown
  13. “When you’re at the end of your rope, tie a knot and let God hold on.” – Unknown
  14. “When you let go of control, you gain the peace of God.” – Unknown
  15. “God’s got this. Let Him handle it.” – Unknown
  16. “When you stop trying to control everything, you start enjoying everything.” – Unknown
  17. “The only thing you need to control is your response to God’s control.” – Unknown
  18. “The more you trust God’s plan, the less you worry about your problems.” – Unknown
  19. “When you give up control, you gain control – of yourself.” – Unknown
  20. “Letting go of control is not giving up, but giving in to God.” – Unknown

On God’s Love and Care

  1. “God’s love is greater than your mistakes.” – Unknown
  2. “God’s love never fails, never gives up, and never runs out.” – Unknown
  3. “God’s love is not based on what you do, but on who He is.” – Unknown
  4. “God’s love is not earned, but freely given.” – Unknown
  5. “God’s love is not a feeling, but a fact.” – Unknown
  6. “God’s love is not a reward, but a gift.” – Unknown
  7. “God’s love is not conditional, but unconditional.” – Unknown
  8. “God’s love is not limited, but limitless.” – Unknown
  9. “God’s love is not distant, but present.” – Unknown
  10. “God’s love is not theoretical, but practical.” – Unknown
  11. “God’s love is not abstract, but personal.” – Unknown
  12. “God’s love is not a myth, but a reality.” – Unknown
  13. “God’s love is not a question, but an answer.” – Unknown
  14. “God’s love is not a puzzle, but a solution.” – Unknown
  15. “God’s love is not a burden, but a blessing.” – Unknown
  16. “God’s love is not a weakness, but a strength.” – Unknown
  17. “God’s love is not a theory, but a testimony.” – Unknown
  18. “God’s love is not a debate, but a declaration.” – Unknown
  19. “God’s love is not an option, but a necessity.” – Unknown
  20. “God’s love is not a tradition, but a transformation.” – Unknown

On Finding Comfort in God’s Word

  1. “The Bible is not a book of rules, but a book of promises.” – Unknown
  2. “The Bible is not a collection of stories, but a single story – the story of God’s love for His people.” – Unknown
  3. “The Bible is not a dead letter, but
    Joel Osteen Quote “Believe that God is in control. There is no need to
    Joel Osteen Quote “Believe that God is in control. There is no need to from