Quotes About Users


Quotes About Users

Here are the top 99 quotes about users and takers:

  1. “Users are like vampires, they suck the life out of you.” – Unknown
  2. “Users will eat up your time and then ask for seconds.” – Unknown
  3. “Users are like leeches, they attach themselves to you and drain you dry.” – Unknown
  4. “Users will take advantage of you if you let them.” – Unknown
  5. “Users are like parasites, they feed off of your generosity.” – Unknown
  6. “Users only come around when they need something.” – Unknown
  7. “Users are like weeds, they keep coming back no matter how hard you try to get rid of them.” – Unknown
  8. “Users are like mosquitoes, they are annoying and hard to get rid of.” – Unknown
  9. “Users are like thieves, they take what they want and leave you with nothing.” – Unknown
  10. “Users are like vultures, they prey on the weak and vulnerable.” – Unknown
  11. “Users are like wolves in sheep’s clothing, they pretend to be your friend but really they just want something from you.” – Unknown
  12. “Users are like cockroaches, they are hard to get rid of and they always come back.” – Unknown
  13. “Users are like chameleons, they change their colors to fit in with their surroundings.” – Unknown
  14. “Users are like snakes, they will bite you when you least expect it.” – Unknown
  15. “Users are like spiders, they weave a web of lies to trap you.” – Unknown
  16. “Users are like ghosts, they haunt you long after they are gone.” – Unknown
  17. “Users are like shadows, they follow you wherever you go.” – Unknown
  18. “Users are like viruses, they infect everything they touch.” – Unknown
  19. “Users are like cockatoos, they squawk and make noise but they don’t really say anything.” – Unknown
  20. “Users are like monkeys, they jump from one thing to another without any real purpose.” – Unknown
  21. “Users are like rats, they scurry around in the dark and steal what they can.” – Unknown
  22. “Users are like seagulls, they swoop in and steal your food.” – Unknown
  23. “Users are like hyenas, they laugh at your misfortune.” – Unknown
  24. “Users are like crows, they peck at your eyes and steal your shiny things.” – Unknown
  25. “Users are like jackals, they prey on the weak and helpless.” – Unknown
  26. “Users are like parasites, they live off of your success.” – Unknown
  27. “Users are like sheep, they follow the herd without thinking for themselves.” – Unknown
  28. “Users are like lemmings, they blindly follow the crowd over the cliff.” – Unknown
  29. “Users are like camels, they store up your goodwill and then use it all up at once.” – Unknown
  30. “Users are like vultures, they wait for you to die before they swoop in and take what they want.” – Unknown
  31. “Users are like termites, they eat away at the foundation of your success.” – Unknown
  32. “Users are like mosquitoes, they buzz around in your ear and drive you crazy.” – Unknown
  33. “Users are like foxes, they are sly and cunning and always looking for an opportunity.” – Unknown
  34. “Users are like scorpions, they sting you when you least expect it.” – Unknown
  35. “Users are like ants, they work together to steal your success.” – Unknown
  36. “Users are like sharks, they smell blood in the water and go in for the kill.” – Unknown
  37. “Users are like moths, they are attracted to the light of your success but they will burn you if you let them get too close.” – Unknown
  38. “Users are like flies, they are attracted to the stink of your failure.” – Unknown
  39. “Users are like pigeons, they flock together and poop on everything.” – Unknown
  40. “Users are like magpies, they steal shiny things and hoard them for themselves.” – Unknown
  41. “Users are like crocodiles, they lurk in the water and wait for their prey to come to them.” – Unknown
  42. “Users are like lobsters, they crawl around on the bottom and pick at the scraps.” – Unknown
  43. “Users are like caterpillars, they crawl around and eat everything in sight.” – Unknown
  44. “Users are like dogs, they wag their tails and act friendly but they will bite you if you let them.” – Unknown
  45. “Users are like butterflies, they flit around and look pretty but they don’t really do anything.” – Unknown
  46. “Users are like cockatiels, they squawk and make noise but they don’t really say anything.” – Unknown
  47. “Users are like horses, they only work when they want to.” – Unknown
  48. “Users are like pigs, they wallow in the mud and don’t care who they get dirty.” – Unknown
  49. “Users are like bees, they buzz around and make a lot of noise but they don’t really do anything productive.” – Unknown
  50. “Users are like crabs, they are always crabby and never satisfied.” – Unknown
  51. “Users are like falcons, they swoop in and take what they want without any regard for others.” – Unknown
  52. “Users are like hummingbirds, they flit around and never stay in one place for very long.” – Unknown
  53. “Users are like ostriches, they bury their heads in the sand and pretend that everything is okay.” – Unknown
  54. “Users are like eagles, they soar high above everyone else and think they are better than everyone else.” – Unknown
  55. “Users are like giraffes, they stick their necks out and try to get a better view of everything.” – Unknown
  56. “Users are like lizards, they can change colors to blend in with their surroundings.” – Unknown
  57. “Users are like penguins, they waddle around and look cute but they don’t really do anything productive.” – Unknown
  58. “Users are like rhinoceroses, they charge ahead without thinking about the consequences.” – Unknown
  59. “Users are like squirrels, they hoard things and never share.” – Unknown
  60. “Users are like tigers, they are always on the prowl and looking for their next meal.” – Unknown
  61. “Users are like unicorns, they are mythical creatures that don’t really exist.” – Unknown
  62. “Users are like zebras, they have stripes that make them look unique but they are really all the same.” – Unknown
  63. “Users are like dragons, they breathe fire and cause destruction wherever they go.” – Unknown
  64. “Users are like grizzly bears, they are big and scary and will attack if provoked.” – Unknown
  65. “Users are like kangaroos, they hop around and are always on the move.” – Unknown
  66. “Users are like pandas, they are cute and cuddly but they don’t really do anything productive.” – Unknown
  67. “Users are like seals, they clap their hands and make a lot of noise but they don’t really say anything.” – Unknown
  68. “Users are like walruses, they are big and blubbery and don’t really do anything.” – Unknown
  69. “Users are like wolves, they hunt in packs and are always on the prowl.” – Unknown
  1. “Takers will always take more than they give.” – Unknown
  2. “Takers will drain you of your energy and leave you feeling exhausted.” – Unknown
  3. “Takers are like black holes, they suck everything in and never give anything back.” – Unknown
  4. “Takers are like leeches, they attach themselves to you and drain you dry.” – Unknown
  5. “Takers will use you until they have nothing left to take.” – Unknown
  6. “Takers are like parasites, they feed off of your success.” – Unknown
  7. “Takers are like vultures, they wait for you to die before they swoop in and take what they want.” – Unknown
  8. “Takers are like thieves, they take what they want and leave you with nothing.” – Unknown
  9. “Takers are like wolves in sheep’s clothing, they pretend to be your friend but really they just want something from you.” – Unknown
  10. “Takers are like snakes, they will bite you when you least expect it.” – Unknown
  11. “Takers are like spiders, they weave a web of lies to trap you.” – Unknown
  12. “Takers are like ghosts, they haunt you long after they are gone.” – Unknown
  13. “Takers are like shadows, they follow you wherever you go.” – Unknown
  14. “Takers are like viruses,
    Are you a taker? Taken quotes, Takers quotes, Inspirational quotes
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