Top 10 Quotes On Connecting With Others


Top 10 Quotes On Connecting With Others

Connecting with others is one of the most important things we can do in life. Here are the top 99 quotes to inspire you to connect with others:

  1. “We are all in this together and we are all connected.” – Mike Robbins
  2. “The greatest gift you can give someone is your time. Because when you give your time, you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back.” – Unknown
  3. “The more connections you and your lover make, not just between your bodies, but between your minds, your hearts, and your souls, the more you will strengthen the fabric of your relationship, and the more real moments you will experience together.” – Barbara De Angelis
  4. “We’re all just walking each other home.” – Ram Dass
  5. “The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention.” – Rachel Naomi Remen
  6. “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Nelson Mandela
  7. “The art of communication is the language of leadership.” – James Humes
  8. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  9. “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  10. “We are all different, which is great because we are all unique. Without diversity, life would be very boring.” – Catherine Pulsifer

Top 10 Ideas and Tips for Celebrating “Quotes on Connecting With Others” Event

  1. Host a “speed friending” event where attendees have a few minutes to chat and get to know each other before moving on to the next person.
  2. Organize a community service day where attendees can connect while giving back to the community.
  3. Hold a panel discussion featuring local leaders and experts on the topic of connection and community building.
  4. Create a social media campaign using the event hashtag to encourage people to share their favorite quotes on connecting with others.
  5. Host a potluck dinner where attendees can bring a dish to share and connect over food and conversation.
  6. Organize a networking event for professionals to connect and share ideas.
  7. Host a movie screening followed by a discussion on the themes of connection and community in the film.
  8. Create a “connection challenge” where attendees are given tasks to complete that involve connecting with others in new and meaningful ways.
  9. Hold a storytelling event where attendees can share personal stories about the power of connection in their lives.
  10. Organize a group outing to a local cultural event or festival to connect over shared interests and experiences.
Brené Brown Quote “We are hardwired to connect with others, it’s what
Brené Brown Quote “We are hardwired to connect with others, it’s what from