Quotes About Taking A Break From Social Media


Quotes About Taking A Break From Social Media

Are you feeling overwhelmed with social media and in need of a break? Here are 99 quotes to inspire you to take a step back and prioritize your mental health:

  1. “Social media is not about the exploitation of technology but service to community.” – Simon Mainwaring
  2. “Social media is just a tool. It’s just a platform to connect people, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s good or bad.” – Jaron Lanier
  3. “Social media is training us to compare our lives, instead of appreciating everything we are. No wonder why everyone is always depressed.” – Bill Murray
  4. “If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.” – Banksy
  5. “Disconnect to connect with yourself.” – Imania Margria
  6. “The more social media we have, the more we think we’re connecting, yet we are really disconnecting from each other.” – JR
  7. “The only way to deal with fear is to face it head on.” – Suzy Kassem
  8. “If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.” – Amit Ray
  9. “Social media is addictive precisely because it gives us something which the real world lacks: it gives us immediacy, direction, and value as an individual.” – David Amerland
  10. “Social media is not real life, never forget that.” – Anonymous
  11. “The greatest gift you can give yourself is a little bit of your own attention.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo
  12. “For fast-acting relief, try slowing down.” – Lily Tomlin
  13. “The greatest wealth is to live content with little.” – Plato
  14. “Social media is designed to make you feel inadequate.” – Anonymous
  15. “The more you know yourself, the less you rely on others to tell you who you are.” – Kristin A. Sherry
  16. “The quieter you become, the more you can hear.” – Ram Dass
  17. “If you want to change the world, change yourself.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  18. “We don’t grow when things are easy. We grow when we face challenges.” – Anonymous
  19. “Social media is not a media. The key is to listen, engage, and build relationships.” – David Alston
  20. “If you’re not careful, social media will become your sole identity.” – Anonymous
  21. “A social media detox is the new juice cleanse.” – Anonymous
  22. “Be where your feet are.” – Anonymous
  23. “Social media is not a platform for personal validation.” – Anonymous
  24. “The best way to overcome fear is to face it.” – Anonymous
  25. “Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” – Eleanor Brown
  26. “The more we learn about social media, the more it becomes clear that it’s not about technology. It’s about humanity.” – Simon Mainwaring
  27. “Disconnect to reconnect.” – Anonymous
  28. “Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” – Steve Jobs
  29. “Social media has made us forget that the best things in life take time.” – Anonymous
  30. “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” – Alan Watts
  31. “Social media is a tool, not a lifestyle.” – Anonymous
  32. “The biggest challenge in life is being yourself… in a world trying to make you like everyone else.” – Anonymous
  33. “The true price of anything you do is the amount of time you exchange for it.” – Henry David Thoreau
  34. “The world is changed by your example, not your opinion.” – Paulo Coelho
  35. “The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” – Stephen Covey
  36. “Social media is a tool, not a weapon.” – Anonymous
  37. “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” – Jim Rohn
  38. “We don’t have to be perfect to inspire others. Let others get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections.” – Anonymous
  39. “Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.” – Rumi
  40. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs
  41. “Social media is not a tool for validation, it’s a tool for communication.” – Anonymous
  42. “You are never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis
  43. “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” – Will Rogers
  44. “If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.” – Colin Powell
  45. “The only way to have a great life is to have a great relationship with yourself.” – Anonymous
  46. “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde
  47. “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” – Abraham Lincoln
  48. “Social media is a tool, not a distraction.” – Anonymous
  49. “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Socrates
  50. “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” – Albert Einstein
  51. “The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.” – Mark Caine
  52. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs
  53. “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” – Dalai Lama
  54. “Social media is not a substitute for real life communication.” – Anonymous
  55. “Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” – Steve Jobs
  56. “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” – Abraham Lincoln
  57. “Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  58. “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  59. “Social media is not a competition, it’s a conversation.” – Anonymous
  60. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs
  61. “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” – Dalai Lama
  62. “Social media is not a substitute for real life communication.” – Anonymous
  63. “Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” – Steve Jobs
  64. “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” – Abraham Lincoln
  65. “Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  66. “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  67. “Social media is not a competition, it’s a conversation.” – Anonymous
  68. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs
  69. “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” – Dalai Lama
  70. “Social media is not a substitute for real life communication.” – Anonymous
  71. “Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” – Steve Jobs
  72. “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” – Abraham Lincoln
  73. “Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  74. “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  75. “Social media is not a competition, it’s a conversation.” – Anonymous
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    KEEP CALM I'm taking a break from SOCIAL MEDIA see you soon Poster
    KEEP CALM I'm taking a break from SOCIAL MEDIA see you soon Poster from www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk