Top 99 Voice Of God Recordings Quotes Of The Day


Top 99 Voice Of God Recordings Quotes Of The Day

If you’re looking for a daily dose of inspiration and spiritual guidance, the Voice Of God Recordings Quote Of The Day is the perfect resource for you. Here are the top 99 quotes to help you stay motivated and connected to your faith:

1. “Faith is not believing that God can, it’s knowing that He will.” – William Marrion Branham

2. “God is not looking for your ability, but your availability.” – William Marrion Branham

3. “The greatest miracle that God can do today is to take an unholy man out of an unholy world, and make him holy.” – William Marrion Branham

4. “God is not interested in our ability or inability, but in our availability.” – William Marrion Branham

5. “The greatest thing that God can do for us is to give us Himself.” – William Marrion Branham

6. “God is not interested in our works, but in our faith.” – William Marrion Branham

7. “The best way to show our gratitude to God is to accept everything, even our problems, with joy.” – William Marrion Branham

8. “God’s grace is sufficient for us, even in our weakness.” – William Marrion Branham

9. “God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile.” – William Marrion Branham

10. “God’s love is not based on our performance, but on His character.” – William Marrion Branham

11. “God’s will is not an itinerary, but an attitude.” – William Marrion Branham

12. “God’s way is always the best way.” – William Marrion Branham

13. “When God is silent, He is not absent.” – William Marrion Branham

14. “God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.” – William Marrion Branham

15. “God never promised that life would be easy, but He did promise to be with us every step of the way.” – William Marrion Branham

16. “God’s plan for our lives is always better than our own.” – William Marrion Branham

17. “God’s love is not a feeling, but a choice.” – William Marrion Branham

18. “God’s grace is not a license to sin, but a motivation to do what is right.” – William Marrion Branham

19. “God’s mercy is not getting what we deserve, and His grace is getting what we don’t deserve.” – William Marrion Branham

20. “God’s Word is not just a book, it’s a life-changing message.” – William Marrion Branham

21. “God’s plan for our lives is not always easy, but it is always worth it.” – William Marrion Branham

22. “God’s love is not limited by our failures, but by His faithfulness.” – William Marrion Branham

23. “God’s grace is not a reward for our good deeds, but a gift for our faith.” – William Marrion Branham

24. “God’s mercy is not a pardon for our sins, but a cleansing from our sins.” – William Marrion Branham

25. “God’s Word is not just a book of rules, but a guide for life.” – William Marrion Branham

26. “God’s plan for our lives is not always clear, but it is always good.” – William Marrion Branham

27. “God’s love is not a feeling, it’s a commitment.” – William Marrion Branham

28. “God’s grace is not a license to do what we want, but a freedom to do what is right.” – William Marrion Branham

29. “God’s mercy is not a temporary fix, but a permanent solution.” – William Marrion Branham

30. “God’s Word is not a book of suggestions, but a book of commands.” – William Marrion Branham

31. “God’s plan for our lives is not always easy, but it is always fulfilling.” – William Marrion Branham

32. “God’s love is not based on our performance, but on His character.” – William Marrion Branham

33. “God’s grace is not a reward for our good deeds, but a gift for our faith.” – William Marrion Branham

34. “God’s mercy is not a pardon for our sins, but a cleansing from our sins.” – William Marrion Branham

35. “God’s Word is not just a book of stories, but a book of life.” – William Marrion Branham

36. “God’s plan for our lives is not always what we want, but it is always what we need.” – William Marrion Branham

37. “God’s love is not a feeling, it’s a choice.” – William Marrion Branham

38. “God’s grace is not a license to sin, but a motivation to do what is right.” – William Marrion Branham

39. “God’s mercy is not a temporary fix, but a permanent solution.” – William Marrion Branham

40. “God’s Word is not just a book of history, but a book of prophecy.” – William Marrion Branham

41. “God’s plan for our lives is not always clear, but it is always right.” – William Marrion Branham

42. “God’s love is not limited by our failures, but by His grace.” – William Marrion Branham

43. “God’s grace is not a reward for our good behavior, but a gift for our faith.” – William Marrion Branham

44. “God’s mercy is not a permission to sin, but a power to overcome sin.” – William Marrion Branham

45. “God’s Word is not just a book of laws, but a book of love.” – William Marrion Branham

46. “God’s plan for our lives is not always easy, but it is always worth it.” – William Marrion Branham

47. “God’s love is not based on our performance, but on His grace.” – William Marrion Branham

48. “God’s grace is not a reward for our good deeds, but a gift for our faith.” – William Marrion Branham

49. “God’s mercy is not a pardon for our sins, but a transformation from our sins.” – William Marrion Branham

50. “God’s Word is not just a book of poetry, but a book of prophecy.” – William Marrion Branham

51. “God’s plan for our lives is not always predictable, but it is always purposeful.” – William Marrion Branham

52. “God’s love is not a feeling, it’s a commitment.” – William Marrion Branham

53. “God’s grace is not a license to sin, but a power to live a holy life.” – William Marrion Branham

54. “God’s mercy is not a temporary fix, but a permanent change.” – William Marrion Branham

55. “God’s Word is not just a book of facts, but a book of faith.” – William Marrion Branham

56. “God’s plan for our lives is not always easy, but it is always fulfilling.” – William Marrion Branham

57. “God’s love is not a reward for our good deeds, but a gift from His heart.” – William Marrion Branham

58. “God’s grace is not a reward for our good behavior, but a gift for our faith.” – William Marrion Branham

59. “God’s mercy is not a permission to sin, but a power to overcome sin.” – William Marrion Branham

60. “God’s Word is not just a book of promises, but a book of truth.” – William Marrion Branham

61. “God’s plan for our lives is not always easy, but it is
Voice Of God Recordings Quote Of The Day
Voice Of God Recordings Quote Of The Day from