You Are My King Quotes For Him


You Are My King Quotes For Him

Looking for the perfect words to express your love and admiration for your significant other? Look no further than these top 99 “You Are My King” quotes for him. And if you’re looking for ways to celebrate your love, check out our top 10 ideas and tips below.

Top 99 “You Are My King” Quotes For Him:

  1. “You are the ruler of my heart, my king.”
  2. “I may not be a queen, but you are definitely my king.”
  3. “You are the king of my world, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
  4. “I feel like the luckiest woman alive to have a king like you by my side.”
  5. “In a world full of chaos, you are my rock and my king.”
  6. “You are my protector, my confidante, and my king.”
  7. “I would follow you to the ends of the earth, my king.”
  8. “You make me feel like a queen, my love.”
  9. “I am forever grateful to have a king like you in my life.”
  10. “My heart beats only for you, my king.”
  11. “You are the king of my heart, now and forever.”
  12. “I am your loyal subject, my king.”
  13. “You are the light that guides me, my king.”
  14. “You are my knight in shining armor, my king.”
  15. “I never knew a love like this until I met my king.”
  16. “You are my everything, my love, my king.”
  17. “I am yours, and you are mine, my king.”
  18. “You are the king of my dreams, and the reality is even better.”
  19. “I love you more than words can say, my king.”
  20. “You complete me, my king.”
  21. “You are the king of romance, my love.”
  22. “With you by my side, I feel like I can conquer the world, my king.”
  23. “You are my soulmate, my king.”
  24. “In your arms, I feel like a queen, my love.”
  25. “You are the king of my heart, and I am the queen of yours.”
  26. “I am forever yours, my king.”
  27. “You are the king of my castle, my love.”
  28. “I am blessed beyond measure to have a king like you in my life.”
  29. “You are the king of my heart, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
  30. “I will always be your queen, my love, and you will always be my king.”
  31. “You are the king of my world, my love.”
  32. “I trust you with my heart, my king.”
  33. “You are the king of my soul, my love.”
  34. “I am forever under your spell, my king.”
  35. “You are the king of my universe, my love.”
  36. “You are the king of my heart, and I am the queen of yours.”
  37. “I am yours, my king, forever and always.”
  38. “You make me feel like a queen, my love.”
  39. “You are my king, and I am your loyal subject.”
  40. “You are my king, my love, and I am your queen.”
  41. “I am yours, my king, now and forever.”
  42. “You are the king of my heart, and I am the queen of yours.”
  43. “I am forever grateful for the love of my king.”
  44. “You are the king of my life, my love.”
  45. “I am forever yours, my king.”
  46. “You are the king of my heart, and I give it freely to you.”
  47. “You are my king, and I am your queen, forever and always.”
  48. “You are the king of my heart, and I am your devoted subject.”
  49. “I am forever under your command, my king.”
  50. “You are the king of my heart, and I am the queen of your dreams.”
  51. “You are the king of my heart, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
  52. “I am forever yours, my love, my king.”
  53. “You are the king of my heart, and I am the queen of your soul.”
  54. “I am forever yours, my king, until the end of time.”
  55. “You are the king of my heart, and I am your queen, forever and always.”
  56. “I am forever grateful for the love of my king.”
  57. “You are my king, and I am your loyal subject, forever and always.”
  58. “You are the king of my heart, and I am the queen of your universe.”
  59. “I am forever under your spell, my king, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
  60. “You are the king of my heart, and I am forever yours.”
  61. “I am forever yours, my king, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
  62. “You are the king of my heart, and I am the queen of your dreams.”
  63. “I am forever in love with my king.”
  64. “You are the king of my heart, and I am forever under your command.”
  65. “You are my king, and I am forever your queen.”
  66. “I am forever grateful for the love of my king.”
  67. “You are the king of my heart, and I am the queen of your universe.”
  68. “I am forever under your spell, my king.”
  69. “You are the king of my heart, and I am forever yours.”
  70. “I am forever in love with my king, now and always.”
  71. “You are the king of my heart, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
  72. “I am forever yours, my love, my king.”
  73. “You are the king of my heart, and I am the queen of your soul.”
  74. “You are my king, and I am forever your devoted subject.”
  75. “I am forever in love with my king, now and forever.”
  76. “You are the king of my heart, and I am forever under your spell.”
  77. “I am forever yours, my king, and I give you my heart freely.”
  78. “You are the king of my heart, and I am the queen of your dreams.”
  79. “I am forever yours, my love, my king, until the end of time.”
  80. “You are the king of my heart, and I am forever grateful for your love.”
  81. “I am forever in love with my king, now and always.”
  82. “You are the king of my heart, and I am forever your queen.”
  83. “I am forever under your command, my king.”
  84. “You are the king of my heart, and I am the queen of your universe.”
  85. “I am forever yours, my love, my king, forever and always.”
  86. “You are the king of my heart, and I am forever under your spell.”
  87. “You are my king, and I am your queen, forever and always.”
  88. “I am forever in love with my king, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
  89. “You are the king of my heart, and I am forever yours.”
  90. “I am forever grateful for the love of my king.”
  91. “You are the king of my heart, and I am the queen of your soul.”
  92. “You are my king, and I am forever your loyal subject.”
  93. “I am forever in love with my king, now and forever.”
  94. “You are the king of my heart, and I am forever under your command.”
  95. “I am forever yours, my love, my king, until the end of time.”
  96. “You are the king of my heart, and I am forever grateful for your love.”
  97. “I am forever in love with my king, now and always.”
  98. “You are the king of my heart, and I am forever your queen.”
  99. “I am forever under your spell, my king, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
  100. “You are my king, and I am forever your devoted subject.”
  101. “I am forever in love with my king, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
  102. “You are the king of my heart, and I am forever under your command.”
  103. “I am forever yours, my love, my king, forever and always.”
  104. “You are the king of my heart, and I am forever under your spell.”
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